Detox Your Mental Health. And, Know How To Do It.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
6 min readMay 15, 2024


What you listen, watch, and read is how your mental health becomes.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Physical power is visible.

As you can easily assess someone’s fitness.

Toned body, muscle mass, how much he lifts weights, how he runs, etc. are a few indications to measure someone’s physical power.

But you can’t measure internal strength. It is completely invisible. Further, there is no such specific weighing scale for it.

You may be physically fit and mentally ill. There is no direct linkage between your physical and mental health.

Internal power shows how happy and peaceful someone is. A person with good inner strength can easily cross a heavy situation but a person physically fit mightn’t.

The need of the hour is to strengthen your mental health(Internal Power). Because peace, happiness and stability is everything in life. And, your mental health will give you that.

There is only one way through which you can assess someone’s internal strength that is through his calmed mind, and stability in response irrespective of situations and people’s behavior.

It is possible to improve your internal strength in parallel to your physical health. The way you treat your body for good physical health, similarly you can take care of your mental health.

As your physical health primarily depends on your eating pattern, exercise, and sleep. Similarly what you listen, watch, and read is how your mental health becomes. And, you can take care of it easily.

Now let’s see what you can do for your mental health following the mentioned lifestyle changes.

  1. Journal Before Bed.

Analyze the total day and your action in each events.

Exactly what have you done? And, which of your actions you could have done better? If you were given a chance how would you act now?

Your journal diary should be written in a manner to focuses on the solution to the situation instead of focusing on the problems.

You’ll be aware to encounter such situations later in your life.

You will see your mind will be filled with gratitude and mental well-being. You will be aware of your negative/positive thoughts and behavior.

It will also help you to improve your critical thinking skills and creativity. What you can do better now than what you did previously. Awareness helps you to act in the right manner.

2. Take Pause While making decisions.

When it hurts take a pause and observe what life wants to teach you.

Life teaches. Observe everything. People’s mistakes, Your mistakes, the situation around you. You’ll get to know many things in between. No one can teach you more than your experiences. You would be your own teacher in this way.

It is your choices and decisions that’ll make something good or worse. Your every action and decision will compel you to bear the consequences.

So, you need to think which action will be the best considering the consequences.

The reaction is negative and the response is positive. Pause is good because it’ll help you to respond. And, Instant action is usually a reaction.

Never be in a hurry while making any important decision in life.

Take a pause, think about the consequences, and make your decision right.

3. Lead a guilty free life.

Guilt is a negative energy. It will suck you inside draining your energy.

Guilt is the result of your tension, stress, and repentance. Up to a certain extent, you can take it positively. When someone learns from it, and never commits the same mistake again. It means guilt teaches you to demarcate what is right or what is wrong for you.

Don’t complain about your work, family, relationships, traffic, roads, government, politics, etc.

When something bad happens in your life, always forgive yourself before forgiving others.

If you are wrong beg for sorry with a genuine heart and lead a guilty-free life.

4. Forgive people’s misdoing.

Forgive people not because they are right but because you don’t want to punish yourself.

Learn from your past mistakes, forgive, and live your present life happily and peacefully.

Regrets in our hearts harm more to us than them. When you become hurt and hold grudges, it pains inside giving rise to hate and disappointment. You’ll always be in the grip of those people, not physically but mentally.

When you forgive, you’ll be free of the feelings of anger, bitterness, revenge, and hate.

Why are you punishing yourself now? In the end, we all have to go to the grave.

Forgive, forget, and enjoy your life to the fullest.

5. Let go and un-hold things.

If something is not in your hand, let go of it. If you can’t control the situation, let go of it. Let go of what others have done to you.

Let go means self-care and self-love. You’re giving yourself the chance to do something productive in your life.

Let go can’t be possible without acceptance of the situation. Once you accept the situation, you’ll get the inner power to face the situation.

You’ll be loaded with forgiveness and compassion. Gratitude will be your inner feeling.

All these things mean you’re giving yourself the chance to grow and excel in your personal life.

Now, your vital time and energy will go in the direction of your growth and development.

6. Meditate.

It is a panacea to many problems.

it’s time to meditate, If you’re crippled with hurt, anger, tension, stress, jealousy, comparison, or any other negativity.

Meditation will immensely benefit you.

It brings clarity to your thoughts. It will help you to make better decisions. You’ll be loaded with the energy of peace, love, happiness, and purity. You’ll be blessing yourself or others with your words, actions, and behaviors.

You’ll automatically be more patient, more creative, more self-aware, and more in the present.

Even in complex situations, you’ll be more compassionate, helpful, kind, sympathetic, and joyful.

Depression will be at bay. You will understand yourself better.

You’ll be focusing more on your internal strength to lead a happy and peaceful life.

7. Intake purity.

What you eat will make your body. What you pay attention to will shape your mindset.

Think pure, work what is right, and make your environment vibrant and positive.

One thing you need to remember is where your attention goes your energy flows and things grow.

You can either be pure and impure. You can’t be both.

8. Don’t watch, read, and listen to what you don’t want to be.

Nowadays we’re overloaded with information in the internet era. One click and we have everything on our screen.

Your intake should be such that it will strengthen you in every aspect of your life.

Your subconscious mind gets influenced by your intake and consciously it will be making you one way or another.

9. You always have the power to respond.

When you react you drain your energy.

It happens when you behave impulsively without thinking of its consequences. And, you don’t value peace of mind.

Respond is power. It shows how you take the ball to your side. It indicates you have the power to influence your mind and body.

You don’t get control by others. The remote is always in your hand. And, you have complete control over how to behave.

10. Be a giver of what you want to get from life.

Give love, you’ll be loved.

Give respect, you’ll be respectful.

Give money-building skills, you’ll be earning a lot.

Give energy in the gym, you’ll earn more energy.

Add value to people’s lives, you’ll be valuable.

Be a giver of everything. The world works in this principle. The more you give the more you earn.

And, finally focus on positive changes. Avoid negativity. Don’t watch the news. Refrain from gossiping about others. Off Mobile Notification. Reduce Screen Time. You’ll automatically be in the path of detoxing your mental health.

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