8 Things You Must Know Before Giving Corrective Feedback.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
5 min readMay 16, 2024


Corrective feedback must not be given unless someone asks for it.

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

Corrective feedback is the suggestion or advice given to someone to mend his pre-fixed belief over a situation, work, or incident.

It is given only to help others out from complications that they might encounter in the future.

People usually give it for the betterment of the receiver but a few people settle their old accounts in vengeance.

People are always good for good people and bad for bad people, where no emotional courage(Inner tolerance power) is needed.

It is said that you need to have a strong opponent or criticizer to strengthen your inner emotional health. The power of acceptance is needed to deal with a person of opposite traits.

Acceptance does not mean you approve of his thought or else you will imbibe it; it means you are not hating the person for his different ideology and accepting him without any mental turbulence.

Further, everyone is right in his perspective; you need to put your leg in his shoes to understand and contemplate it.

When you put it differently, corrective feedback means you are mentioning your ideology is superior and you want others to accept it.

There is every possibility that you will be leveled as a man of arrogance even by your close members.

So, suggestions, advice, and corrective feedback should be given to those who deserve it. Free advice is as dangerous as poison. Many times, it acts like a boomerang.

A story in this line is given below.

There were two bosom friends Ram and Hari, studying in the same class and school. Ram was hardworking and read a lot to score good marks in the final examination.

Unlike Ram, Hari was very casual and joyful. He spends time in merrymaking and enjoyment. No doubt, he was brilliant in his studies but lacked hard work and dedication.

Ram devoted his time and energy to preparation and kept everything in a sorted manner starting from the collection of books to note-making.

The causal attitude of Hari in reading and preparation compels Ram to suggest Hari to read. He says the Board examination is in our head; the vast syllabus is yet to be finished. You need to pay attention in this regard. At least you have to make note of the entire syllabus, so preparation will be easier for you during examination time.

Hari could not take this suggestion positively. He thought as Ram had made all the notes precisely, he was boasting now. He decided to teach a lesson to Ram and look for an opportunity to teach a lesson.

The attitude remains the same. Hari did not pay heed to Ram’s saying. Days passed and one fine day program of the examination was released. Hari brought Ram’s notebook to make a copy. Ram didn’t decline and gave the notebook with a request to back it tomorrow.

He could not return it showing a petty issue instead he was enjoying entire days with friends. The next day Ram went to meet Hari for the notebook at that time Hari was playing. Being a close friend Ram retorted, time is short Hari and in very close proximity our examination is about to happen. You have to savor this time in learning to garner good results and a bright career in your life.

Hari became enraged hearing Ram’s advice and tore the notebook into pieces. He thought Ram’s notebook was the cause of the contentious relationship between them. Seeing this attitude of Hari, Ram became speechless and got instant consequences of corrective feedback.

Go through a few points while giving any corrective feedback: -

1/ Corrective feedback should not be given to anyone. The one who asked for deserves it otherwise not.

2/ When someone takes your suggestion for any action. He must have made his own decision earlier. He asked for your approval of his decision in the name of the suggestion.

In both ways, he is going to blame you. If you support him and in the long run he fails you will be blamed. Because you had given consent for his work.

If your suggestion does not match with his tacitly taken decision, you will be instantly tagged as a bad wisher means you are not interested in seeing his progress. Either way, you will be blamed. So, ponder over it while giving any suggestions to anyone.

3/ Usually, it is seen that people give suggestions or corrective feedback to settle old accounts. It should not be done. In the name of corrective feedback, don’t settle your old account.

4/ Don’t give suggestions in an open forum. Even if you are right and the receiver is your blood relation, it will hurt him internally. There are maximum chances that he will disobey you. Always go for one-to-one conversation while giving corrective feedback.

5/ Repetition of corrective feedback will degrade your face value and it is going to hurt you very soon. So, refrain from it.

6/ When someone is asking you for a suggestion, do not thrust your ideology on him. It is good to show him the different choices (Positive & Negative) available to him and the consequences that will come his way. Let him make his own decision as he wants to face the repercussions. Because every decision he takes must have a repercussion and he will bear it sooner or later.

7/ Advice often does more harm than good. When the receiver does not want your advice, do not brag before him. First, give them space to delineate everything that they want to vent out as most humans yearn for someone to listen. Contemplate it and go for your suggestion, if needed, or else withdrawal is a good option.

8/ Everyone is right in his perspective and understanding. His approach or saying may be wrong not the person himself. Don’t reject the person while giving corrective feedback. Rejection is negative. You should empower the person through your words and behaviors.

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