7 Important Lessons To Lead A Happy Life.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Break brings out the best in you.

Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash

Life has become monotonous for a maximum number of people. They follow a routine knowingly or unknowingly.

They are fidgeting with numerous thoughts inside the mind. Even the thoughts are of low qualities that cause overthinking. All this causes lots of stress and a life full of unhappiness.

They need a break from a jammed and hurried life. A break from the stressful life.

How is it possible? Is there any perfect solution for it?

It is possible, there are many ways to be at peace and happiness. But, there is not a perfect way for it. The following are a few ways you can inculcate in your life to be happy and stress-free.

  1. Observe people and see what are the basic reasons for their stressful life.

You can easily understand they are expecting more, and giving less.

One simple solution to this so-called complex problem is to accept people and situations as it is. The next thing is to focus on solutions with a positive mindset. You need to take tiny steps with whatever you have towards the solution.

2. In your every action think of its first and second-order consequences. Consequences make you alert and aware.

You could easily know what to do and what not to do. The thin line between wrong and right will be known.

Suppose you are angry, what would be its consequences just imagine in your mind. It will give you the power to refrain from actions that would bring negative consequences to your life.

3. If you are blank every negative thought will come into your mind. Always have goals in life and move towards them with perseverance.

4. Don’t make conditional behavior.

If they’ll forgive I’ll be happy. If they did this, I would be at peace.

People and situations won’t be your way. They’ll always be their way, and it’s okay. They’re not the cause of your hurt.

Your happiness shouldn’t be dependent on them. You should understand and accept them.

5. Always pay attention to improve your life.

If you are addicted to something, give up. If you are jammed in negativity, declutter your thinking pattern.

I know you’re right still peace is important. If you think you are in a conflict, resolve it by taking tiny action from your end.

Each attempt creates the energy of transformation. When a caterpillar dies, the butterfly starts to awaken.

6. Ask whether your mind holds any wrong habits, unpleasant memories, or critical opinions.

These are the blockers of your happiness. You need to forgive and let go of people. It is important not for others but for you.

When you hold on to some things you’ll be heavy and pressurized. You need to relax by decluttering these patterns of negativities.

And, it can be easily done through Meditation. Devote at least 5 minutes a day and increase it to 15 minutes. It is easily available online you can search on Google. Pick the one that has the highest views and start doing the guided meditation.

The physical stains clear when you bathe, and the mental stains clear when you meditate.

Eventually, you’ll see there is clarity in your thoughts. Forgiveness, let-go of mis-happenings, and forgetting people’s mistakes will be easier.

7. You are a human being, not a human doing.

Being peaceful should be the purpose of life no matter what.

Many people equalize purpose with goal. But these are two un-identical aspects.

The goals are usually short and temporary and can be met fulfilling the purpose of life. The purpose is different, it will always aware and alert you. When your purpose is certain.

You’ll automatically pay heed not to get disturbed in the total process of achieving the goals and beyond that.

