5 Small Things to do When You’re little depressed.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
3 min readApr 25, 2024


280 million people worldwide are depressed.

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

Life is purely uncertain.

You never know what is going to happen in next moment. To whom you are seeing in your beside thinking of your closest bonding may die in any moment, and will surely die in one day.

Death is certain. When someone is born, one day he will day. It is certain and we all are well aware of it.

My point is why to be so depressed in the short life being suffocated with your own thoughts and feelings. The following 5 practical tips I use to lead a stress-free life.

  1. You should know if you are suffering in any form you are the sole reason and it is because of your ignorance.

People may give you the impulse to get hurt through their words, actions and behaviors, but they can’t go inside your mind to create the thought of hurt.

situations may not be the way you predict, still you can create happy thoughts.

The simplest reason is that your thoughts create your own feelings not theirs and you are purely independent of what to think.

2. When you compare yourself with others, it is the fastest way to get hurt. What you are is you are. You don’t need to be someone else.

If you see something good in others, imbibe it. Ask for it, get motivated out of it with a deep sense of gratitude.

Two human beings can never be equal and identical in all respects. Your upbringing, schooling, environmental impact, parenting, siblings, and surroundings are different from others. How will you be identical in words, action and behavior?

3. Don’t blame god, people, situation and every external factor. You are responsible for everything that is happening in your life.

Whenever you are hurt, angry, jealous, or envious, just remind yourself that you are the creator of it. Yes, I understand you would say the situation compelled you to do so.

The thing is that situations and people’s behavior may give you temptation but you are the creator of your own thoughts and feelings.

Next time when you are in pain through creating the negative emotions take the accountability that you are the creator of it. Always think the power is with you only.

4. We often give advice to people closer to our life. Sometimes it is seen that they don’t implement what suggestions they get.

Giving advice or suggestions is your duty and implementation is there. Don’t get hurt when someone doesn’t take your words.

You can see it like your physical strength, it differs from person to person. The internal strength of everyone is different, what is easier to you might be difficult for others.

5. There are certain things in life you can’t control no matter how much effort you put into it.

Someone’s disease or death you can’t control. There are certain things you have the power to control in life: what you eat, read, consume, and to think irrespective of situations and people’s behavior.

Don’t waste your energy, time and resources on what you can’t control and put your best for the things you can control.

Follow to strengthen your emotional health.

