5 Daily Habits That’ll Make You More Peaceful.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
3 min readMay 9, 2024


Happiness is within.

Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

If you see the report of the World Happiness Index, you’ll be surprised.

The people are happier in countries where freedom and trust amongst them are more. They worry less and enjoy their life to the fullest. They feel safe and secure.

If you see these things you can easily guess that all these elements required to be happy are free.

What you need is a mindset shift through questioning your beliefs and following the right.

At an individual level, you can achieve it. And, many individuals comprise the world. If you’re happy the world will be happy.

I follow and you should the mentioned steps to make your life peaceful, happy, and contented.

  1. Question your beliefs:

We usually think we are always right. Our understanding and perspective are the best.

When someone indicates our mistakes we rarely try to understand the matter from his perspective.

No one is omniscient. What you know might be the half-backed knowledge.

It is always right to listen to others’ perspectives. You might get a chance to improve your beliefs. Listen to people, and understand their perspectives.

The way you are thinking might not be right. It would be an opportunity to know the world from a different logical perspective.

2. Focus on solutions:

Life is a series of problems. You’ll encounter problems daily in different spheres of your life.

Many people get entangled in problems crippled with stress, tension, and overthinking. Negativity more or less makes their life more worse.

I try to handle these situations in different manners. I always focus on solutions with whatever I have.

Solution gives you the strength to overcome the situations with a ray of hope.

Don’t wait for the perfect time, It will come on the way.

Your first action should be to divide the problems into tiny pieces of solvable steps. Secondly, focus on one action at a time.

When you start moving ahead, you’ll get to see the roads toward your destination.

So, don’t waste your energy on worry, anxiety, and overthinking. And put your vital energy, time, and everything towards the solution.

3. Accept people and situations:

Accept and act. The loser can’t accept, as it needs power within. Acceptance is power and it gives strength to face the situation.

People wrongly define acceptance. Acceptance of the situation doesn’t mean you completely agree with the situation.

Acceptance simply means you’re stable within no matter what. Outward situations have no power to destabilize your state of mind.

The gravity of the situation might be more but you won’t react. You’ll be responding while handling the situations.

Acceptance is the key no matter how big the problem is. When you accept the situation you’ll be more powerful bringing calmness and stability within. You’ll get the power to face the situations.

4. Make Your Circle More Lively:

You must have heard, you are the average of your 5 close friends. It is certainly true. Your environment will speak for who you are.

But, my perspective toward this statement is quite different.

You’re the average of your 5 online and offline friends.

Nowadays, we are using the internet to watch videos, listen to podcasts, read newsletters, and many more things.

What you watch, read, and listen to is what makes you. Your environment certainly changes you.

So, always choose your environment and what you wish to be in the future.

5. Do Meditation:

Meditation is the solution to many problems. It has numerous benefits.

It will increase your internal strength. You will be able to think clearly. You will be more focused. Your concentration power will be greater.

Your clarity of thought will help you to make better choices. When you’ll be making the right choices. Your every parameter of life will be sorted out.

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