4 Tiny Steps To Improve Your Thinking Pattern (Certainly You Can Improve It).

Ankit kumar Mahakur
4 min readMay 13, 2024


You’re not what I am because of Your thinking. I am not what you are because of my thinking.

Photo by Simeon Jacobson on Unsplash

Every human thinks continuously.

We never rest our minds, even in sleep.

It goes on without any pause. And, roughly 60 thousand thoughts came to our minds every day.

You must have heard statements like we become what we think. Our thought makes our destiny.

Then why we are unable to do so? Is it certainly true or not?

Yes, It is true not because someone has said it, but because many have achieved substantially applying this technique. We’re not just because we don’t know how exactly it works.

It works in the following sequence.

The repetitive identical thought in our brain makes our words or sentences. The same sentences when we utter continuously get reflected in our actions. When you repeat the same action over a period of time it becomes a habit. Habit comes in our attitude. Attitude makes our personality. And finally, personality makes our destiny.

It works like a double-edged sword both with bad Thought and good Thought.

Now the question is how to identify a wrong or right thought. And, more importantly how to get inclined to the right thoughts that would bring substantial improvement in our life by making the best choices through our thinking?

Let me say there is no perfect formula. We need to choose the right one bringing clarity in our thoughts.

The following steps you can follow to improve your thinking pattern.

  1. Challenge Your Assumptions or Beliefs.

Never hesitate to challenge your beliefs. It will make you wise.

What you assume may not be right. You might not have heard the perspective of life from that different angle.

Your linear thinking pattern does not let you think in a non-linear manner. No doubt it will be a bar to your ego when someone questions your beliefs. But, growth happens when you challenge your beliefs.

You should deliberately want to hear others’ perspectives and understanding. More importantly, if the person is right in his perspective it will be the starting point of your growth.

You would be wise when you deliberately challenge your old and obsolete beliefs. You must develop the power to listen to other’s perspectives and accept them if it is right.

You should deliberately spend time with people who challenge your beliefs. It will help you to see things from different perspectives.

When you stay with the people who always agree with you it will hinder your growth.

2. Build Logical Thinking Ability.

Be logical. Logic gives you clarity.

It will make you more aware and cautious while making decisions, and help you to know the situation and its impact from different angles.

The first step to building logical thinking ability is to be unbiased. Your decision should be practical, realistic, and rational considering each side.

If you’re biased, you’re certainly going to be inclined and be in the arena of favoritism. I have read somewhere while being an arbitrator in any important matter, listen to both sides in a very unbiased manner. It would help you know the different perspectives and help you to better judge the situations.

Observe people, situations, and their perspectives. Ask meaningful questions. How they did mistakes? What are the causes of their mistakes? What steps you would take, If you were there to mitigate or overcome the problem?

visualize the outcome of your decisions and choices.

Ask better questions using Why? Find the root of the problem. See how a tiny action at the root had the power to overcome the problem.

Watch your thoughts you’ll be more aware. And, you’ll refrain from making wrong decisions and choices.

3. Focus on first, second, and third-order consequences of your actions.

We humans have brains to think not to memorize things.

While making important decisions in life, It must be done with pen and paper. Note down the merits and demerits of your actions thinking of their consequences.

Think from different perspectives. Evaluate the short-run and long-run consequences.

This order of your thinking pattern considering the consequences gives you the awareness of what to do and what not to do.

4. Expand your knowledge Base.

You’re not an omniscient. I must suggest embracing ignorance and maintaining curiosity to know more.

Observe people’s thoughts, and behaviors. See the consequences of the situations they have already gone through.

Failures are the pillar of success, only when you learn from your failure and don’t commit the same mistake that you did earlier.

Growth in every sphere needs learning. I would suggest you deliberately embrace failure, take calculative risks, and be willing to be wrong.

The more you train your brain the better it will be. One of the effective tools for solving a problem using the four quadrants of your brain are Logic, intuition, Emotion, and Creativity.

Apart from these, you need to have a healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper rest to optimize your brain health.

Hope, you use these techniques to improve your thinking pattern.

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