11 Mindsets To Help You Lead The Best Life.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
5 min readJun 1, 2024

Your mindset dictates your life's journey.

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Life is a game.

And, your mindset will dictate its fate.

To deal with every problem in life, what you need is a well-determined mindset.

Change is the need of the hour and it takes time. And, it is good when the changes make good changes in you.

It may be your greatest supporter or the biggest blocker.

When you move ahead with the right mindset and approaches you will find the world around you is helping you out. Your approaches toward the problems will be different, you will find yourself more capable.

Your perception, understanding, beliefs, and assumptions will change dictating a desired life for you.

When you incorporate these mindset changes in your life, you will see real transformation and get more out of life.

  1. Setbacks are opportunities.

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.— Michael Jordan

Every problem has a solution.

You need to focus on the solution instead of crippling it with problems.

The thing is many people are already going through the problems that you are in and some of them have already overcome it. It is certain.

You should have the resilience to bounce back when life throws problems at you. You have to think life challenges and setbacks will always help you to bring out the best in you.

2. Calculated Risk is good.

Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.

— Maxwell Maltz

Risk enhances your growth.

Risk is always good when the consequences are calculated. It will find the best in you.

What you should do is to take calculated risks. Calculated risk has always growth potential.

3. Don’t Delay.

You may delay, but time will not.

— Benjamin Franklin.

A good life is always waiting for you.

And, it (now) is the best time to start, the perfect time.

You might be going through so many problems but it is the right moment. You can’t have this time in the future.

The greatest asset is time and it is fleeting. Someday may never come, start today without procrastinating.

4. Perfection is the greatest hurdle.

At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success. — Michael Law.

Perfection is always counterproductive.

Mind it, you can’t be perfect. There will always be someone else to beat you.

Celebrate your tiny achievement. Growth and excellence take time. You need to enjoy the journey bit by bit with gradual progress.

Good habits and actions will eventually bring you the result. Build it with dedication without focusing on perfection.

5. Set a Purpose in life.

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, and to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.
Eleanor Roosevelt.

You need to find a reason to wake up early. That purpose should drive you forward.

You will be leading a fulfilling life when you align your actions with your values and passions.

Set meaningful goals in life, and pursue them wholeheartedly, surely you will transcend the ordinary.

6. Be happy now.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

You needn’t have a reason to be happy.

You need to be happy with what you have putting endeavor into everything you want from life.

If you aren’t happy now, you can’t be happy tomorrow. Happiness is a preference, not a thing to get.

Don’t dwell in the past and worry about the future. Present is the reality and you should have to live it to the fullest.

Possession won’t give you happiness your intention will.

7. Take Action.

Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will. — W. Clement Stone

Don’t sit idle.

Don’t try to be perfect.

You need to take action, how tiny it may sound.

Be proactive in taking action. Your small and consistent actions can help you to lead a significant life over time.

8. Build Relationships.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

— George Sand.

It’s a vital pillar and shouldn’t ever be ignored.

Your happiness will solely depend on your relationship.

No amount of money could give you happiness if there wasn’t anyone on your side to enjoy.

Nurture quality relationships. Build meaningful human connections. It largely impacts your mental health.

9. Always Have A Growth Mentality.

Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.

Samuel Johnson.

A stagnant life is a staggering life.

Life is all about learning and growing.

Being curious, open-minded, and flexible will help you to attract personal growth and opportunities.

10. Change is inevitable.

You can’t avoid change, if you do you will be crushed.

You need to be flexible with ideas, understanding, and perspective. It may change over time. What you think is true today may not be tomorrow.

Everyone is evolving and growing with time. If you adapt to the situations and take proper action you will sustain.

11. Value What you have.

If you don’t have something, it's ok. If you wish to get something and don’t get it, it's ok too.

What is not ok is when you don’t value what you have in search of what you don’t have.

If you have a cycle, value it. Dreaming of a car is good, but not at the cost of ignoring the bicycle.

The human being is designed in such a manner that it will value what it doesn’t have and not value the thing that it does have.

Be the one to value every little thing that you have.

These are the noble things that you could inculcate in your life. You need to have some courage and confidence to make the mindset change in your life.

Not everything at a time but a single thing at one time.

