10 Small Habits To Get Success In Life.

Ankit kumar Mahakur
5 min readJan 2, 2024


Always start Small.

10 Small Habits To Get Success In Life.
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Don’t chase success in life, attract it.

You need to live like a successful person.

I’m not advocating you to spend money like a billionaire does. I mean think like successful people, and imbibe their values, virtues, and mindset.

The habits, discipline, and simplicity in life. Hour and hour of readings. Going closer to the nature. Never be stuck, and always have a progressive mentality to move ahead no matter what.

These are the real virtues you need to inculcate in your life. Then, success will be a by-product of it.

The following are a few habits that you can instill in your life.

Health is your greatest possession.

Health is everything.

You can’t think of life beyond this.

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned.” — Naval Ravikant.

Your every possession is useless without health.

It is the place where you live till your death. You need to take care of it. Your emotional as well as physical health must be your priority.

Just know what is right to eat and think. Your health parameter both physical and emotional will be sorted out automatically.

Read Everyday.

A few people read every day.

There is always a direct connection between your reading and growing.

And, fewer numbers of people are successful in life.

This is the one and the most common reason to be unsuccessful.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R R Martin.

Books are available in every area where you want to progress. The world is a treasure, you just need to explore and use the existing resources.

The only way to learn more is to read more. It will improve your thinking ability, and help you to grow in life.

Have Long-Term Goals In Life.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie.

You can enjoy your life when you have goals to achieve. The thrill of uncertainty, success, and failure is something different.

A goal gives you direction and motivation to move ahead in life.

You would get to know where to invest your time, energy, and focus.

The simplest way out is to divide your larger goal into smaller chunks of achievable goals.

One goal at a time should be your strategy. Achieve it one by one gradually and systematically.

Whatever your problem or goal is. You need to face it head-on, there is no way out. Don’t wait for something big to happen, start with whatever you have.

Create Assets.

Many people fail to distinguish between assets and liabilities.

When money comes into your pocket, it is the creation of assets. And when money goes out of your pocket is a liability.

You can’t create wealth without asset accumulation. And assets grow over time.

The purchase of lands, equities, real estate, and business are the real assets. It will give you financial freedom over time.

Create multiple sources of income by enhancing your assets. Invest them smartly. Always try to earn passive income.

Marry Right.

In life, Marriage is the most important decision.

It will make you and break you.

You may adopt the following tips while choosing your partner.

  • Your life partner shouldn’t be an obstacle to your growth. Marry someone where together you can grow.
  • Anyone who looks down upon is a clear NO.
  • Understand his everyday habits. You must see how he is behaving with everyone around you.
  • Pay attention to basic nature it usually never changes. Observe everything, how he eats, talks, and behaves with others.
  • Give him freedom, so he can express himself openly. He shouldn’t be fearful while expressing his perspectives and opinions.
  • A happy relationship can start and end in communication. Learn to communicate politely, respectfully, and in a well-behaved manner.
  • Never plunge into a higher or lower-income family, unless you are not that much rich or poor. Always prefer to marry in similar income or litter lesser income family. Otherwise, you will suffer.
  • Finally, he must have respect for you, your family, your choices, your ideologies, and your priorities.

Marriage is not about finding the right person, but rather about becoming the right person.

Have a Growth Mindset.

Never be stagnant in life.

You need to grow till your death.

Always try to better yourself in every area that matters.

Your health, relationships, and finances are important parameters in life. You should always put your endeavor in this regard to get it sorted and improved.

Choose your surroundings.

You’re the product of your surroundings.

“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Are the things around you helping you toward success — or are they holding you back?”

– W. Clement Stone

You’re free to choose. Deliberately choose your surroundings where you want to live.

Your online and offline surroundings will make or break you. What you want from your life just visualize and get into that circle.

Your surroundings will subconsciously make you. Never ignore its impact.

Take Action.

Action brings results, not mere thinking and planning.

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation… Even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.

— Leonardo da Vinci.

Whatever your idea is, if you are satisfied with it, just execute it without taking anyone's approval.

Always take action, even if you fail. When you fail, it will give you experience. When you win, it will add happiness to your life.

No matter what with whatever resources and capital you have, just take the best possible action at your end.

If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Start small, but start. Grow slowly but definitely.


In the end, your relationships will give you happiness.

Just imagine a day without your closest bonding, it may be your parents, family members, siblings, or friends.

They are the one who adds happiness to our life. One day they won’t be at your side.

Don’t judge. Value them when they are with you.

Never neglect your family. Always keep them happy and it must be your priority.

Invest in yourself.

The best investment is the self-investment.

Lifelong learning is the best way of self-growth.

Dress well. Groom smartly. Read wisely. Talk thinkfully. You’ll automatically be confident.

Listen more. Observe every situation and people's behavior. You’ll be wise about what to do and what not to do.

Invest in yourself to increase your strength and values. It will give you happiness, well-being, and a sense of satisfaction.

Invest in building your skill set and passions. Your market value will increase.

If you lack in any of these qualities you can learn. That's the greatest blessing of being a human.

